Family Engagement Newsletter
Oakland Beach - Lippitt - Norwood - Hoxsie - Scott
December, 2023
What’s happening in December?
December is always a bit of a blur. It’s hectic, and exciting, and seems to fly by in a flash! We have several family events happening at Title I Warwick this month, you will find events listed by school below. Report Cards will be sent home just before Winter Break begins and are expected to be signed and returned. If you have any questions regarding these reports, please reach out to your child's teacher or Mrs. Kadek at any time.
Please remember that we have several food pantries in our schools should you ever want to ease some of the burden by utilizing food assistance, please don’t hesitate. Simply text “Food Assistance” to 291-8288 to start the conversation regarding how we can help! With temperatures dropping, please reach out if your child needs any winter gear, a hat, some gloves, or a jacket. Text “Keep Warm” to 291-8288 for winter gear assistance.
Hoxsie Happenings
Coffee Hour on Friday, December 1st, from 9 to 10 AM. All are welcome to attend! New faces are welcomed and encouraged. This coffee hour will focus on navigating and understanding report cards.
Join us Thursday, December 7th from 6 to 7 PM for a Hoxsie Holidays Multicultural Event!
Questions or concerns, please email Ms. Cassidy:
Life at The Beach
Better Together(see flyer), on Wednesday, December 13th at Norwood Elementary from 6 to 7:30 p.m.
Donuts with Grown-Ups, a conversation for adult caregivers with school staff, on December 21st at Oakland Beach @ Gorton in the cafeteria.
Noteworthy at Norwood
Better Together(see flyer), on Wednesday, December 13th at Norwood Elementary from 6 to 7:30 p.m.
Lippitt Lately
Coffee Hour with Mrs. Kadek & Mr. Pagan, Wednesday, December 6th at 9 AM. We will focus on report cards and first-trimester highlights.
Holiday Potluck Party! Join us on Thursday, December 14th for a multicultural holiday celebration! What better way to learn about each other and celebrate the joy of the holiday season than with food?
Please be sure to RSVP and submit your recipe before December 8th so we can assemble a Lippitt Recipe Book to provide as a gift for each participating household. RSVP Here:
Status at Scott
Join us at Holiday Fest on Saturday, December 16th from 3-5 pm, Mrs. Sullivan will have an ornament and bookmark station setup as well as some report card tips & resources. Come and have some fun!
Save The Date!
Internet Safety is a presentation by the Rhode Island State Police, happening Monday, January 22nd at Veterans Middle School in the Auditorium. Avoiding scams, monitoring social media, child predators, and so much more! You don’t want to miss this informative presentation. Trigger Warning - child abuse & other sensitive topics will be discussed. We are in a unique position, and not the good kind. "All roads lead to Warwick" is what the state police task force dedicated to child predators says about our city. We truly hope you take this opportunity to listen to our State Police and learn how to better protect ourselves and our children. No need to register, open to the public, bring a friend, or five! Please, no children. If you would like to attend but do not have childcare, please email Mrs. Kadek so she can provide onsite childcare for you.
What’s Happening in Our Schools?
Our November Family STEAM Nights were so much fun! Thank you to the families who came out to join us!
Afterschool programming is in full swing, students in the drama program at Norwood performed for their families recently at GAMM Theater, what an experience! Norwood students in the Girls on The Run and Let Me Run afterschool programs completed their 5k running races mid-November, what a rewarding celebration!

Be on the lookout for details regarding school chorus and instrumental performances.
Important District Announcements
Attendance Matters! The number of students who are chronically absent continues to increase. At the Elementary level, this sets the tone for later on. We know students who miss school in their early years are far more likely to continue to miss school as they get older. We also know for many elementary students, their attendance depends on the adults in their lives. If you are having a hard time getting your child to school, we want to help! Please reach out, we are in this together. Success starts at home, but we are partners in your child's achievement.
Life Instagrammed - This presentation by journalist Kate Fagan focuses on social media and mental health. Life Instagrammed shines a light on social media's link to mental health concerns in children such as depression, body image, eating habits, and negative behaviors. We hope grownups and students in middle school or older join us to learn more about this pressing issue on December 6th at Veterans Middle School, doors open at 6 PM.
Library Events -
Community Service Opportunities
Rhode Island Community Food Bank
Storytime Spotlight!
Winter Candle written by Jeron Ashford. "When each family at the diverse Juniper Court apartment complex needs something to light up the dark of winter, the stumpy, lumpy candle provides a glow brighter than the fanciest taper, revealing the true spirit of each holiday it illuminates."
*To skip the channel intro, start the read-aloud at 1:06.
If you are having trouble viewing or translating this newsletter, please reach out
Best regards,
Cameron Kadek (she/her)
Family Engagement Coordinator
Oakland Beach-Norwood-Lippitt-Hoxsie-Scott
Cell: 401-291-8288 (text preferred)
Family engagement is a full, equal, and equitable partnership among families, educators, and community partners to support children’s learning and development.